Scale cargo containing mainly ferric oxide, collected from various places of iron-and-steel making process. Mill scale - a scale cargo collected from water used in hot rolling process and drainage pits, with small amount of oil ( used for rolling) is a main component of this cargo. Scale cargo has colour ranging from gray, ash brown, ash black green, brown, burnt umber to black. Re-used as raw material (feedstock) for iron and steel production. Composition of cargo: moisture, oil ( less than 1.2%), Wustite (FeO), Magnetite (Fe>3O4), Hematite (Fe2O3),metallic iron and Fayalite
(Fe2SiO4). The main chemical elements in this cargo (except oil and moisture) are in the following range:Fe (iron) > 70%, Ca (calcium) <0.8%, Si (silicon) < 0.7%, Al (aluminium) < 0.3%, Cr (chromium) < 1.5%, Ni (nickel) < 0.5%, Mn (manganese) < 1.0%. Specific gravity of solids is 3 to 6. Bulk density : 1,300 - 3,300 kg/m3. NON-IMSBC Code information: a by.-product of collected iron scale generated from iron and steel making processes that contains a lot of iron oxides; produced by air oxidisation on surface of semi-finished steel.